
Home Description

The Wehnert Home2020-06-17T11:23:38-05:00

Weird Homes Tour – Houston

Victoria and Jay Wehnert’s 1897 Victorian farmhouse stands as one of the oldest houses in Historic Houston Heights.  It also showcases their collection of Outsider, Self Taught and Visionary Art. The art features work by internationally acclaimed artists such a Bill Traylor, Martin Ramirez and Henry Darger, Texans such as Ike Morgan and Eddie Arning, and Houstonians Henry Ray Clark and Charles Dellschau.

Also check out their family heirlooms such as antique furniture and rugs, as well as tramp art, prison art and objects by anonymous artists. The collection also serves as the home for Jay’s arts business, Intuitive Eye. where he presents the art that the couple loves.

The Weird Homes Tour’s self-driving and virtual home tours showcase unique and interesting homes in cities all across the world.  They are highly Instagram and social media worthy and family-friendly events where photos are welcome.

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